Tuesday, 21 May 2013

22/05/13 Week 6 May 2013 Period 2

The second test was conducted on temperature and these were the results.

The alcohol to water ratio used for the temperature test was 1 : 2

The first test was put in a fridge with a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius
The other test was put in the water bath at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius

The original volume of the 2 degrees Celsius test was 95.1 ml and the volume after one day was 93ml

The original volume of the 40 degrees Celsius test was 95.1 ml and the volume after one day was 84.0ml

There was error involved in the 40 degree Celsius test, the beaker containing the liquids was not sealed with cling wrap and evaporation of substances occured.

A second test was conducted for the 40 degrees Celsius test, the results were as followed

The original volume was 95.5ml and the volume after one day was 92.8ml

The results both showed a contraction. to further justify these results a repeat was conducted and the results will be posted at a later date.

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